Frequently Asked Questions

  • A statewide nonprofit dedicated to providing women-focused technical assistance to women business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to help them build confidence, create their own opportunities and experience success in business ownership.

    WBCUtah is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement, between the Salt Lake Chamber and the U.S. Small Business Administration.

  • Anyone who lives or has a business based in Utah!

  • Currently, WBCUtah services are typically offered at no charge.

    Occasionally WBCUtah may offer a Lunch and Learn and may charge a nomimal fee to cover the cost of the food.

WBCUtah & Our Services

  • Although most grants are for nonprofits, there are some grants available to women-owned businesses, which are typically competitive.

    A grant is an award given by one entity, foundation, or government, to an individual or a company to faciGrantsForWomen.orglitate a goal or incentivize performance. Grants do not have to be paid back, but must be used for the project or program for which it was applied for.

    There is no complete list of grants for women business owners, but here are a few:
    Accion Opportunity Fund
    Amber Grants
    SoGal Foundation

  • Keep your personal and business money separate!

    Keep track of money coming (revenue earned) and money going out (paid expenses)- use software or a spreadsheet.

    Understand, create and strategically use basic Financial Statements:

    * Profit/loss: total revenue minus total expenses over a period of time

    * Cash Flow: timing of money flowing into (revenue) and out of (expenses) your business, usually monthly.

    * Balance Sheet: assets, liabilities and capital, at a specific point in time.

Capital (Funding) & Financial

  • Of course you can!

    Build your confidence by:

    • Surrouning yourself with people who believe in you- we do!

    • Building your entrepreneurial skills

    • Focusing and capitalizing on your strengths

    • Gaining experience

  • A written document describing the need for your business, how it will operate and what it needs to start or grow.

    Use WBCUtah’s template

  • A business entity must first be registered with the State of Utah’s Division of Corporations, and then licensed to transact business through their local city (or county).

    OneStop Business Registration

  • An Employee Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Taxpayer Identification Number, is a free ID number assigned by the IRS, needed for filing taxes.


Getting Started

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